Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Dead Mom Day # 17

What we're doing this Happy Dead Mom Day:

Mele is hiking up and down each mountain of the Big Island with my dad, our dead mom's ex-husband. I am going to a barbecue where I will consume plenty of ribs, in honor of my dead mom, who can't eat ribs anymore because she's dead.

In other news, my breast sonogram came back clear. So far, my breasts won't make me dead like our dead mom. When people say, "Wow Laura, your rack is a killer," I say, "You're telling me!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, you probably don't think it's funny, but if you had a dead mom, it would be funny to you too.


The said...

But what you didn't explain is that Mele's dad isn't your dad. Or would that be too confusing? So, not only is she hiking with your dead mom's ex-husband, she is hiking with her what exactly? Pre-step-father? Your family is so confusing, thank goodness I know how everyone is related!

Mayumi said...

SIIIICK. but i love you.